Monday, February 25, 2013

Invisible Children

Many of you may have heard the name or term “Invisible Children” but most don’t know who they are or what they do. The Invisible Children group is a community of people looking to bring a stop to the trafficking of children soldiers in Africa. Every day in Uganda, children are ripped from their home lives and their families and forced to become soldiers that are trained to kill. They are put into the LRA which is led by Joseph Kony. The LRA is the Lord’s Resistance Army and has been around since 1987. This group terrorizes and kills millions of people for the purpose of going against the government and attempting to take control. This group takes young boys from their families and takes them into the jungle where most will never be seen again. There, they are trained to kill and fight exactly who their leader tells them to. Although Joseph Kony leads this army, he has never been seen and still cannot be found. The Invisible Children group is coming together to try to bring an end to it. The name “invisible children” was created for these poor, hopeless individuals whose lives are ruined the second they are taken from their homes. Survival is the main goal of these boys but many have lost all hope of seeing their friends and families again. These children are invisible because they don’t have names. Invisible because they don’t know their birthdays. Invisible because they vanish and most are never seen again. Invisible because they no longer are seen as a meaningful addition to life. 

A lot of times we hear about groups around the world that are trying to make a difference. Everyone has a belief system and many of them try to help others and stop the bad in the world. But sometimes you have to ask, what are they really doing to help? The Invisible Children campaigns is taking all the money and support that comes their way and are putting it directly into helping the children and families affected by Joseph Kony’s LRA. This money goes to legitimate answers to this problem that is affecting so many people. These children deserve to live a full life full of their own choices and decisions. The Invisible Children organization takes the donations and puts it towards sending African boys to school, creating an LRA crisis tracking tower, films, raising awareness, FM radios and even rehab centers for those affected by tragedy. All of these things can help to put a stop to what is happening right before so many people’s eyes. While one may say that this is America and Africa is not a concern of ours, put yourself into this scenario. Imagine being taken from your home and forced into complete and total warfare. You will never see your family or friends again; you will only be controlled by leaders and rulers who don’t have an ounce of care for you. You will be told to kill and you must do it exactly as they say. You don’t want to do it? Well your life will be taken right then and there before you could even think twice. Putting that into perspective, one should want to donate! Even a small amount of money could save someone’s life. The money is going to good causes and everyone should want to make a change. The Invisible Children are an organization true to their word and they are people who are truly trying to make a difference. 

The next question one might have is where is this group and where are they trying to help? Well, these children soldiers are being taken from Uganda, Africa and are being forced into a jungle that is guarded and secured by the LRA. The Invisible Children group has tried many times to get inside the site and find Kony, but it is nearly impossible. So, they have traveled all over Africa to interview friends and families of people who have lost someone to the LRA. Some boys were shot and killed for refusal, others disappeared years ago and the family is still hopeful that they will return someday. But most of the time, the boys are never seen again. The Invisible Children organization is traveling all around America to try and make a change. They are in schools, towns, where ever they can get a word out. They have contacted the government and tried everything they could to get their name out and their mission. The Invisible Children organization travels everywhere and will continue to travel until they have put a stop to these horrific events. This wonderful group of people continues to travel to Africa to travel around, not for fun, but to make a difference. They will go to no end to communicate with boys and families who have information. These people have a purpose and that is putting an end to this tragedy before it’s too late. 

This group of people who have become the voice of these children have been around since 2004. Since then, they have traveled to and from Africa and all around America to make a difference. They have one purpose and one purpose only: put a stop to the LRA and Kony. It seems like a fairly large task, but they will not stop until it gets done. Throughout these past 9 years, the organization has created films and documentaries to inform everyone about what is going on. These videos truly appeal to your emotions and make you want to help. The videos show the starving young people, the testimonials of families who have lost children to the LRA and even some footage of the young child soldiers. Also in the past 9 years, the Invisible Children have created FM radios and a radio tower so that whenever the LRA is coming, everyone is alert and warned. The Invisible Children have done so much in the past 9 years and will continue to reach out and make a difference. It is sad and sickening to see people being ripped from their families and forced into murder. The Invisible Children create a glimmer of hope that someone will put a stop to such a horrible thing that is going on each and every day. 

After being informed and filled with so much information on one topic, one may still be skeptical. Some people may still ask why are the Invisible Children so concerned with helping these young people? Well, I truly believe that if you have a heart, you will be touched and affected by the story. These boys who are taken from their homes no longer have a life. Hearing of boys escaping is rare and it’s sad to think that those who try are often killed. This group of people wants to reach out and make a difference. No one should have to face what these young boys face. Boys who are fourteen years old, fifteen, sometimes as young as six are taken and trained to kill. These boys will do anything to survive with the hope of someday seeing their families again. Many will not, many will be killed much too soon. However, the Invisible Children hope to reunite every last boy with their family and to put an end to the abduction of these boys. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Losing Sight of God...

“You shall have no other gods before Me.”
In today’s day and age, it seems so easy for teenagers to lose sight of God. So many temptations and choices surround us youth and it seems that it may sometimes be easier to turn to them rather than God. Sometimes, teenagers allow superstitious beliefs or magic to give God-like powers to objects, people or places. This can truly affect our relationship with God. We must always keep the first commandment in our hearts. The first commandment states as above meaning that we should only worship God and no one and nothing else. It is important to remember that God is our one and only and we should not lose sight of his love for us. 

Each and every one of us have theological virtues that have been instilled in us which are faith, hope and love. We must each remember that we have these and not forget to have faith in God, have hope in our faith and constantly love God. Being a teenager, things often go wrong. Sometimes things get tough and as a teenager, we aren't always sure where to turn. This is where we must remember our theological values and express them. We need to have faith in God and turn to him. We must ask for guidance and hope that things will get better. Sometimes, we have to remember that God wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle. And yes, sometimes it seems like God trusts us a little too much. But God is always there and he will help us through everything. We cannot turn to other things for guidance and comfort. Turning to anything other than God is the same as having another God before him. We only have one God who we should trust, love and worship. God is always there and always will be, we just have to always be there for him as well. 

In high schools today, there is so much pressure to be perfect or like everyone around you. This could lead to drinking, sex and drugs. Sometimes, teenagers may even turn to drugs and alcohol in times of sadness and despair. This could be an example of idolatry. Turning to another object for guidance or as a solution is going against God and seeing another object as an object of worship. We must not worship anyone other than our God. He is the great and faithful God that has been there since the beginning. We must not turn away from him and we must rely on him in times of trouble. Alcohol, drugs and sex are not going to solve your problems or make you feel any better. Maybe for a second, but a little while after, you will feel just as bad as you did before. Teenagers today must remember God is the only answer and we must always turn to him. He is our only God and we cannot lose sight of him.  

All around us, we encounter different belief systems other than ours. Even in a catholic school like mine, I encounter people that are not Catholic. Sometimes it may seem tempting to explore these other religions. We may even encounter atheists, people who believe in no God and no religion. But we must remember to stay faithful to God and that he is our one and only God. He will never abandon us so we shall never abandon him. Catholics practice monotheism meaning that we only have one God. This practice should always hold sacred and never be abandon. We have only one God and will only have him for the rest of our lives. We must remain faithful to him and always remind him we are thankful for everything he does for us. 

It is growing increasingly easy for people to forget why we are here and who we have to thank for that. God is our reason for everything. God loves us and we should love him forever. We should never turn away from him, question his doing or deny his existence. God is everywhere and He will always have faith in us. When we lose faith in him, that is the worst thing we could do as Christians. We need to continue to remain faithful to God. We must have no God other than him and worship no one but him. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Violent Racists

Racism is an obvious issue that has been around since the very beginning of time. Some people like to see themselves as superior to every other race; others just believe that people are inferior because their beliefs are different. But at what point did it become okay for people to become violent against innocent people due to their color? In the past few years, three black boys of young ages have been brutally killed because they were African American and that appeared as a threat to some white men. How could the color of someone’s skin pose a threat? It’s absolutely disgusting that years after blacks fought for and won equal rights, we still have people on the earth who will quickly take someone else’s life for their skin color.

A case that many people don’t know about is that of fourteen year old Emmett Till. That name ring a bell? No? Well after this, you won’t forget it. Emmett was in Mississippi visiting family in the year 1955 when he stopped at a corner store to grab some things he needed. As he was leaving, someone reported that he had flirted with a white woman working at the register. This was just reported, no one is actually able to say for sure if he was flirting or if everything was taken out of context. However, two white men kidnapped, brutally beat and killed Emmett. The poor boy was only fourteen, just at the beginning of his teen years. How could someone take the innocent life of a young boy? Reading more into the case, it’s pretty clear that Emmett was killed for his skin color. He was visiting in the south, a very racist area and was killed for something that was just an assumption. Also, his killers were found not guilty because of an all while male jury. What’s even more heart wrenching about the loss of this young boy was the fact his mom left an open casket. This let everyone see the real pain and torture that these white men put onto this young boy. How could someone do something so heartless and disgusting just because of someone’s skin color?

A case that people are more familiar with is the murder of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was only seventeen years old and was walking alone to his father’s girlfriend’s house, completely UNARMED. He had just stopped at a convenience store for some candy and a drink and was on his way back to the house. However, as he was walking he was shot by a man named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman said that he shot in self defense because Trayvon was wearing a hoodie and appeared to be high. How does someone appear to be high, at night, from a distance? This was a race call on Zimmerman’s part. He believed that Trayvon was a threat to him because of his African American skin color. Trayvon had made no remarks to Zimmerman and had not approached him in any way. If George Zimmerman believed that Martin was a threat because he was walking down the street, he would have shot him in the leg. This would have taken him down while Zimmerman could walk away. However, Zimmerman shot Martin right in the chest and killed him. This is another case of ignorance due to racism. George Zimmerman shot an innocent young boy whose life was still so fresh just because of his skin color. How can you make a call on someone so quickly just because of the color of their skin? How can you point a gun and shoot and kill someone simply because they are black? This society is so messed up.

Another case that shows pure ignorance and racism is the murder case of Jordan Davis. Jordan is a black African American male who was sitting in a parked car with a few of his friends. Nothing threatening was happening inside of the car and no one was looking to harm anyone. The only thing going on in the car was a few friends hanging out and some loud music playing. This loud music and black skin color appeared as a threat to forty-five year old Michael Dunn. He walked up to car and shot Jordan Davis dead. When he was asked why he did it, he said he felt threatened and said that Jordan had pointed a gun at him. However, investigators found absolutely no weapons in Jordan’s car anywhere while they searched. Michael Dunn ignorantly killed an innocent boy because he was African American. How could you walk up to someone car and shoot them simply because you didn't like how loud their music was? Michael had no prior knowledge of who Jordan was and had absolutely no reason to kill him. Dunn did this all out of racist intention. It sickens me that people could be this ignorant.

Overall, to put it in a clean, nice way, today’s society is completely messed up. African Americans fought for their rights for so many years and actually gained them after many years of trial and hardship. They should be able to walk down the sidewalk, talk to a cashier at a store and listen to music in their car without being brutally killed for no reason. All three cases of these boys show that racism is still well and alive today. It has been around and it seems that people will not change their ways and remove it from their life styles. It is a sick and messed up society where people are killed for being black. I believe that something should be really done about this. Someone needs to speak up and out about this issue before more lives are taken. It seems like people are too quick to judge someone because of their skin color. Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were all sadly taken from this world way too early. Why? Simply because they were black. The fact that this actually happens is disgusting and needs to stop. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

What You Need to Know About Sin

Being raised in a household with a father who is Atheist and a mother who was raised Christian, I have grown up hearing two very different opinions of what is right and what is wrong. But, the truth of what is morally right and what is a sin can only come from one place: The Bible. In reading the Bible, we can learn all about sin, where sin started and what happens as a result of sin. Not every branch of Christianity follows the exact beliefs and they all interpret the Bible differently. However, one thing is consistent with the different beliefs: human beings sin. 

One of perhaps the most well known biblical stories is the story of Adam and Eve. Most people, Christian or not, know this story as two people created by God, put onto earth, who eat a fruit and are punished for it. But, not many people are careful enough to actually read into the story and what resulted from Adam and Eve’s actions. God created everything on this earth to be pure and clean. His only demand to Adam and Eve was that they could not eat from the Garden of Eden. However, when Eve is tempted by a serpent from the garden, she eats a fruit that she then shares with Adam. Christians know this act as Original Sin. The decision to eat the forbidden fruit effects humanity now and will forever, as it resulted in humans being more tempted towards sin. But, what is sin? Why does one sin? What is considered a sin and how can we be forgiven for these acts? These are things that humans must learn now and must use forever. 

Often times, anything that someone believes is wrong is quickly labeled a sin. Why? Because many people are not followers of God and do not know the exact definition of sin or what is considered a sin. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church the word “sin” is clearly defined for us so that we know exactly what a sin is. It says “Sin is an offense against God as well as a fault against reason, truth and right conscience. Sin is a deliberate thought, word, or deed, or omission contrary to the Eternal Law of God. In judging the gravity of sin, it is customary to distinguish between mortal and venial sin.” If one did not know what a sin was prior to reading this, they know now. In order to understand any aspect of sin, one must be able to define the word first. A sin is any act committed by a person that goes against the word or law of God. Jealous of the girl in class? Sin. Stealing money from your grandmother? Sin. Murdering the lady down the street? Sin. Sin varies and appears in all shapes, sizes and colors. We all sin in our lives, it happens. But, will we be sorry for our sins and ask Gods forgiveness or will we repeat the same sin within 48 hours? It’s not how we sin that shows our character, but more how we react after the sin. 

An important piece of knowledge that one must know about sin is the difference between mortal sin and the venial sin. These are two very different things that one must not get mixed up because they have two very different consequences. Article 13 of Christian Morality: Our response to God’s love very carefully points out the differences of the two different types of sin. The book describes mortal sin as “An action so contrary to the word of God that it results in a complete separation from God and his grace.” An example of mortal sin would be consistently cheating on exams to increase your grade with the full knowledge that what you are doing is wrong. For a sin to be mortal, the person committing it must be fully aware that the act is wrong and against God. Then, the book describes venial sin as “A less serious offense against the will of God that diminishes ones personal character and weakens but does not rupture ones relationship with God.” An example of venial sin would be cheating multiple times on tests. Once you have cheated once, it becomes a habit and a vice for cheating is formed. This vice makes the temptation to cheat irresistible. Knowing the difference between these two types of sin is important because they can affect our relationship with God. One type of sin just strains our relationship with Him, while the other completely ruins it. We must be careful of our actions and always remember that every action has a reaction, especially in the eyes of God. 

Another term that is important to know when understanding sin is “social sin”. The term social sin is defined in Article 14 as “The collective effect of many personal sins over time, which corrupts society and its institutions by creating ‘structures of sin.” Some examples of social sin are people being homeless when there are plenty of homes for everyone, people who have no job when there are people being overworked and people who are starving when there is plenty of food to go around. These are just a few examples of acts that are considered social sin. The article gives a clear example to help readers better understand the difference between personal sin and social sin. It says “…if one employer pays a woman less than he pays a man for doing the same job, this is personal sin. But if many employers in a city, state or country pay women less than they pay men for doing the same jobs they have created a situation of social sin.” Knowing what social sin is becomes important because it occurs when a group of people become so used to a sin, that it is unchallenged. This is important because it happens every single day and I believe that these sins should be called out and challenged. 

When determining if a human act is moral or immoral, there are three guidelines that one must follow. Article 12 clearly points out these guidelines we must remember to determine whether a human act is morally good or bad. The three guidelines are:
 1-  The object, that is, the specific thing the person is choosing to do
2-     The intention of the person doing the action
3-    The circumstances surrounding the act
These three things are very important to remember before we judge the act of someone else. We must use these to determine if it is good or bad and we must consider every aspect of the act and reason for the act. Everything we do as humans has a reason; we don’t just do things for no reason. But, before we judge others actions and before we label it a sin, we must review every aspect to make sure we don’t falsely label it. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Donkey or The Elephant?

Democrat or Republican? Obama or Romney? Yup, it is indeed that time of year again where it seems all everyone wants to talk about is politics. It’s that time of year again where people who know absolutely nothing about politics, pretend like they do. Everyone has their own opinion now and it seems more and more people are on the edge of their seat with who will win this year’s election to run the country for four years. Do we keep the same president we have had the last four years or do we elect someone new to change things up for the country? This post isn’t meant to bash anyone’s beliefs or put down any political figure, but in my very strong opinion, it’s time for Obama to go. 

Lately, we hear a lot of talk about the debt our country is in and the economic crisis we are dealing with. But has anyone really put it into perspective? Many times, the Democratic Party is quick to blame President George W. Bush for the increase in the national debt. But, right now as I type this sentence the national debt stands at $58,488,258,684,141 and increases each second. The national debt increased by $4.899 trillion when Bush was president for two full terms, eight years in office. Since Obama has been elected, only four years ago, the debt has increased by more than $4.939 trillion. The day Bush gave the title as “President” away to Obama, the national debt stood at $10.626 trillion. Look at the increase now in under four years. Do we really want a president in office another four years who puts us deeper into debt rather than pulling us out of the mess of an economy?

While reading an article from the Republican Party, I stumbled across a sentence that really got me thinking. It read, “American companies must be more competitive in the world market, and we must be aggressive in promoting U.S. products abroad and securing open markets for them.” I don't believe i could agree with this sentence any more than I already do. As a country, the United States is very dependent on goods from other countries. We need to start exporting more goods than we import. The United States has a very large trade deficit with China and Japan and the Republicans plan to stop that. I believe it would be very beneficial to sell more American made goods in America, as well as around the globe. The republicans would put this plan into action and help to pull us out of our debt. If we are ever going to have a strong economy, we need to stop relying so much on other people’s economies and being relying on ourselves. 

In the week following the first set of presidential debates, Obama has made quite a fool of himself. While I don’t agree with the republicans plan to cut government funding for public television, I strongly disagree with President Obama’s decision to constantly discuss Sesame Street for the past week. Even though the president of PBS Paula Kerger makes $632,233 a year, government funding of PBS is not a huge issue in the United States. Why is the President, someone who is supposed to lead us out of tough times, suddenly obsessed with the idea of Big Bird and his friends? Shouldn't he be worrying more about the national debt, the unemployment rates and taxing? With elections just around the corner, this was not a smart move for Barack Obama. Being a republican, I laugh at the fact that Obama has become overly obsessed with one small idea from Mitt Romney’s plans as president. I find it funny that he has spent the last week discussing the idea and making jokes of it. Romney himself stated "These are tough times with real serious issues. So you have to scratch your head when the president spends the last week talking about saving Big Bird." There is so much truth to this statement. Do we really want someone in office who has spent a whole week discussing Big Bird, rather than actual political issues? 

Being a strong minded republican, often times it is hard for me to agree with a statement made by the Democratic Party. But, while reading a republican article, I came across a statement that I highly agree with. It said “Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way.” I myself am pro choice and I believe that every woman does have the right to choose for herself. It isn't the president’s place to tell her no, it’s no one but her own decision. If she feels that it is right, then she should be able to make that decision. It is her own decision no one else’s and no one but herself will face the consequences. I personally would never choose an abortion for me because that is who I am. But, I do believe that everyone should have the right to choose to keep the baby or abort the baby. It’s a personal choice between a woman and her body, not a government choice. 

Tumblr_lyewj6mtcp1qdtj7ho1_500_large While viewing a comparison chart of Republican and Democratic views, I saw the column about gay marriage. Under the Democrat side it said “support”. I strongly agree with the democrats on this one. I believe that no one should be told who they are and are not allowed to love. If a man and a man love each other, then so be it! If a woman and a woman love each other, they should be allowed to be together! It does not affect anyone’s lives accept their own. I also believe that you are born gay, it is not a choice but that’s a whole different topic of discussion. It is not the government’s decision to tell a couple if they are allowed to marry or not. Each individual being should be able to marry the love of their life and should be able to express their love for each other without the hate and ridicule. I agree 110% with the Democrats on this topic because I don’t believe one should be told they can’t love the love of their life just because they are the same gender.

What’s one of the most debated topics in recent months? In my opinion, legalization of marijuana is talked about more than any other legal issue. The Republican Party is against the legalization of marijuana and I agree with them completely. Maybe my opinion is biased, but I have first hand watch marijuana completely rip apart a family. 
I've never heard such things said between people who were supposed to love and support each other. But I watched lives literally crumble all because of marijuana. I know that many people like to believe it’s so harmless and it’s simply a plant. But it’s what the plant does and causes that many others, such as myself, do not like. I would hate to see the day where you could walk into any gas station and purchase yourself some marijuana. So, I stand with the republicans when they say they oppose the legalization of marijuana. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Bullied Address Bullying


Bully. Bullied. Bullying. What image comes to mind from hearing such words? Horrific images of teens throwing crude words at each other. Typing false comments and labeling others with harsh words and statements. This all sounds so wrong and harsh, sometimes we prefer to ignore such things happening. But, the reality of it is that it is happening all around us, each and every day. In some cases, teens have been bullied so badly, they decide to take their own life. In what world is that okay? How can we stop such acts if no one ever tries? Bullying is a major problem in high schools all around America and it needs to have an end before it’s too late. 

A recent story that completely shocked me was from a high school in Michigan. The Traverse City high school came across students creating accounts on twitter to bash other students. These comments were made about other students appearance, significant others or just make comments about students who they didn't like for being "different". This personally disgusts me on so many different levels. The level of disrespect teenagers have for each other is so minimal now-a-days. It seems so easy for students to hide behind their computers and cell phones and talk about each other. A student from the high school quoted "I realized that most adults don't take this kind of thing seriously. They look at it as something you can ignore, when in reality it is in your face." This quote is so absolutely true. Often times, many teachers and adults will just ignore it or push it aside. They see it as something so small and stupid, just teenagers saying harmful words. But they aren't harmful! They can seriously hurt someone’s reputation or self esteem. When did students get so rude? Its even more shocking that students recognize the teachers ignoring the issues that are clearly right in front of them. 

A real inspiring story that i came across was about schools in Jamestown making efforts to put an end to bullying in their schools. A group combined together that all has one common goal: stop the hate. Every school has it, those kids who just feel the need to talk about everyone or the kid who is constantly talked about, even though they haven’t done a single thing wrong. Seeing it in the hallways is absolutely disgusting and these students at Jamestown are simple inspiring. Every school should have a group that works together to put an end to bullying. The principle at this Jamestown school said, “We chose to be proactive, we didn’t necessarily see a huge problem. We just thought, how can we do proactive? How can we make our place better? How can we handle this as a Lincoln community?” This is a school that has little bullying, but is still aiming to make the school a better place. How about the schools where bullying is a major problem? Why don't they have special programs aimed to stop bulling. I believe that every school needs a group that helps make the school a safer place. No one should ever be scared to go to school. 

When researching bullying and its effects, I came across a story of a 12 year old boy who commit suicide after being bullied. If you’re not disgusted after reading the first sentence, do you even have a heart? A poor, innocent twelve year old boy taking his own life because of the cruel words of others. This 12 year old boy from Sapporo, Japan took his own life by jumping off the top of a building. How absolutely brutal. In his note, he mentioned that he had been bullied and was regularly beaten and abused by other students. It was also mentioned in the article that teachers knew of this bullying and never stopped it. How do you see such things happening and not say anything about it? I am sickened at the fact that teachers could have helped or tried to stop these attacks and didn’t, resulting in a young boy taking his life. This boy was just starting to live his life, not even a teenager yet. How sickening that someone could push someone to take their own life. 

Another story that saddens me is about the 14 year old boy who commits suicide after being bullied. Jamey Rodemeyer was an openly bisexual student who was proud of who he was, but was bullied because of it. In an interview with his parents, Jamey’s father said "To the kids who are bullying they have to realize that words are very powerful and what you think is just fun and games isn't to some people, and you are destroying a lot of lives”. There is so much truth in the words said by his father. I don’t think that people truly understand what they do to people when they say such mean, hurtful words. How can you be so cruel to pick at the lives of others and push them to taking their own lives? What’s even sadder about Jamey’s story is the fact he covered up his pain and hurt so well. No one saw it coming and they said that Jamey looked fine in the days leading up to his suicide. In a video Jamey posted on his YouTube, he said “That's all you have to do. Just love yourself and you're set. And I promise you, it'll get better”. He was so inspiring to many other people, promising that everything will be okay. But he was driven to taking his own life because of what other people had to say. Jamey’s inspiration was the world famous Lady Gaga. He often used her words for inspiration and to keep him going. I believe that Jamey is an inspiration to many openly gay people in the world. People should take his story and learn from it and know that it does get better.  

At my school, Bishop Kearney, we have rules surrounding bullying both verbally and over the use of technology. These rules are in the front of our planners, in a small font which sometimes seems impossible to read. Is this enough? Absolutely not. I believe that we as a school community need to stand up for whats right and change whats happening. We need to stop bullying in out halls and over the internet. It isn't fair that some students dread each morning knowing they have to come to school. Everyone should feel welcome here and everyone should want to come here each morning knowing they always have someone to turn to. I hope that in due time, we will have groups that help us to put an end to bulling and stop the hate.